Made to Order Music Terms & Conditions
I reserve the right to deny service for any reason. I will not use my creativity to communicate or promote negative or harmful messages. In choosing to obtain a personalized song, you acknowledge that the relationship and feelings you have with and for the recipient are mutual.
COPYRIGHT: In purchasing and receiving your personalized song, you understand and agree that the copyright for the composition, its recorded music and lyrics, and the rights to exploit the sound recording or any part of it, in any medium, remain the sole and exclusive property of Roberta Lea Halmond-Walters. You are entitled to share the song however you wish provided that it not be used for remunerative or commercial purposes, in any way, in whole or in part, by anyone other than Roberta Lea Halmond-Walters. Please indicate your understanding and acceptance of these terms selecting "I agree to the terms and conditions" on the submission form.